Our teachers believe in the possibilities of human potential.
Each child deserves respect and dignity, no matter their age or ability. As a school, our task is to help each student discover and develop their unique talents. We work to meet each student where they are and support them in learning and growing as individuals!
Toddler Teachers
Tracy Rodgers
Nest Head Teacher
Emily Schroyer
Nest Assistant Teacher
Sarah Skodny
Seedling Head Teacher
Kailyn Joviak
Seedling Assistant Teacher
Children's House Teachers
Kathy Tracey
Pine Room Head Teacher
Molly Saylor
Pine Room Assistant Teacher
Jennifer Cerny
Oak Room Head Teacher
Elementary Teachers
Brynna Uldricks
Treehouse Head Teacher
Katie Kasza
Treehouse Assistant Teacher
Our team members are facilitators of learning.
They closely observe their students to determine which activities, lessons, and materials to introduce at the right time. We believe in using a whole child approach, gently encouraging each child to reach their full potential in all areas of life. Physical, emotional, social, aesthetic, spiritual, and cognitive needs are all equally important in our Montessori classrooms.